School Age Children Travel Tips
Creating Memories For Life
Are you planning international travel with children of school age? Then our school age children travel tips are must read. It is actually quite simple advice and your kids are likely to agree. Because it is only one... relax and enjoy it.

Plan Activities Around Your
Kids Interests In Mind
All right, maybe it is not that simple but many parents consider travelling with school children not only easiest but also the most enjoyable.
School age kids show more interest in their surroundings, they understand more and are usually eager to take on new experiences. They also have the mental capability to understand different cultures, which makes international travel with children of school age more fun.
They are old enough to remember the trip. Your travels now will create wonderful memories for life for them.
You still need to make sure that your travel agenda takes their age, interests, and ability into consideration. The agenda must include enough entertainment for them, including travel games for children, to keep them occupied and interested.
School age kids can go almost anywhere so the world is your oyster when planning international travel with children. Choosing Family Friendly Travel Destination can though help to make your family vacation a success.
There is though one important limiting factor when travelling with school age children. You usually have to plan your travels during school holidays - when prices tend to go up.
Take The Stress Out Of Travelling With Your Children
When planning international travel with children it is good to research what age appropriate activities are available before deciding on your travel destination. You must also make sure the activities on offer are in line with your children interest.
You should also bring some entertainment for your school age kids with you, like books, toys and travel games for children. They might come handy on a rainy day or while in transit.
Top School Age Children Travel Tips
Choose your holiday accommodation with your school age kids needs in mind. Fashionable boutique hotels might not be the best choice when travelling with school age children. Staying in a flat or apartment can have some advantages over hotel rooms when travelling with children.
Most children of school age enjoy visiting amusement parks, including theme parks like Disney World and SeaWorld, as well as circuses and fairgrounds.
School age kids tend to know what they like, as well as what they do not like. School age children travel tips recommend recommend you try to involve them as much as appropriate in the travel preparation and the decision making.
Show them your destination on a map, research interesting facts and information about the area, ask your school age kids what they want to see and do. Even ask them to do their own research for activities or places of interest. This will encourage their corporation throughout your holiday, because it's now a joint holiday.

Involve Your Children In The Vacation Planning
School age kids normally travel lighter than younger children do, i.e. no strollers or nappies that you need to bring along with you.
Vacation Packing Checklist is still a good idea when flying with children. It not only minimizes the risk of forgetting any items, it also allows you to involve your kids in the packing.
Let them choose what they want to take with them. You might even want to give them their own bag to pack. You should though give them the basic rules so they do not end up with 10 shorts but no shoes.
School age children travel tips recommend to pack some books, toys and travel games for children, but be carefully not to exceed your luggage allowance.
You might however want to leave expensive or favorite toys at home, i.e. everything that you do not want the risk of losing. Your children might not like the idea but they should understand and accept it when you explain your reasons.
Bringing along some new inexpensive toy instead might also help.
When flying with children internationally make sure well in advance that you have all the right travel documents in place. Apply early for a passport for your children and check if they require any visas.
Top School Age Children Travel Tips
Flying with children this age should be easier than with younger children as your child now understands more and you can reason with it. Your school age kid can still get bored and restless, especially on long flights. So as always when flying with children... bring along some books and travel games for children, and more snack and drinks than you imagined you would need.
The same applies more or less when travelling by car. Keep your school age kids occupied with Travel Games For Kids like I Spy, and make regular pit stops to allow them to stretch and let off some steam. Again make sure you bring more snack and drinks than you ever thought you would need.
School age children tend to have active imagination and you should use it to make your journey even more enjoyable. One fun game is to turn them into travel reporters. Give them disposable or cheap digital camera and notebooks so they can document the whole trip. Your kids will enjoy playing reporters and the outcome will be valuable souvenir in the future.
Letting your children keep travel journal is another great way to keep them occupied on your vacation. Give them a diary to write for each day and let them save stubs, programs, and maps of sights to make a scrapbook when you get back home from your vacation.
You could even do it together, adding to the quality time gained from your family travels.
Top School Age Children Travel Tips
Now-a-days most school age kids have some form of personal DVD player, mp3 player, or iPhone Touch at their disposal and want to bring them along on their holiday. Before undertaking any international travel with children... you might want to set firm rules about the use of electronic equipments during the coming holiday.
It can be few hours a day or few hours a week. It could be on special occasions only, like when en-route. Alternatively, you could leave all electronic gadgets behind, i.e. take a break from them as well, and reduce the risk of losing expensive equipment.
Whatever the rules are, just make sure they are known before you start your travels. It is ideal if you can agree these rules together. The best time to do so is prior to travelling, when the kids are excited and looking forward to all the new things, they are going to see and do during their travels.
You might want to give your school age kids fixed amount to spend on souvenirs, or at least agree in advance the rules about souvenir purchases. You do not want to negotiate with them every time you come across gifts shops and souvenirs stalls.

Keep Safety In Mind
But Ensure The Vacation Is Fun
Possibly the most infuriating thing when you are planning international travel with children is that prices tend to go up during school holidays, especially if you are flying with children.
It makes it tempting to get permission to take the kids out of school so you can travel when prices are more reasonable. This can be a viable option but you must consider many things before doing this. Like the grade level of your kids, the time of the academic year, the length of absence and your children school performance.
As long as you work with your children school, taking your kids out of school between school holidays can be feasible option.
Safety should always be your top priority when planning international travel with children. You should enjoy trying on new experiences but always be alert and keep safety in mind.
Let your kids carry with them copy of the key information, like the hotel name and essential telephone numbers. They will then know where to seek help and how to get back in the unlikely event you get separated.
When going on an international travel with children you need travel insurance for children. Make sure your Family Travel Insurance covers your children adequately, always read the small print carefully.
Top School Age Children Travel Tips
Try to keep your vacation fun. When you notice your children eyes glazing over you know it is time to change the plan.
You should always leave the schedule flexible enough to allow you to change the plans if needed. You need to allow enough time for your kids to let of some stream, e.g. by playing some sport or just running around. You also need to allow time for relaxing, e.g. by the pool or for reading a book / watching a film.
Loosen the rules a little bit but make sure they know it is a privilege and because you are on holiday.
Following these simple school age children travel tips should result in an enjoyable holiday for the whole family.