Travel Safety Tips
Your Safety Is Top Priority When Travelling
This section offers practical travel safety tips because safety is, and should be, the top priority for all travelers. Here you will find travel safety tips for your personal safety, and safety tips on how you can keep your personal belongings safe whilst travelling. You just cannot enjoy your vacation unless you feel as safe as possible.

Top Travel Tips owner feeding
wild Cheetahs in Namibia
Fortunately, most of us travel safely and without experiencing any major problems.
Travelling however does include some risks but we can minimize them by following few practical international travel safety tips when travelling.
There are also many great personal safety devices available these days that can assist you with improving your safety en route.
Our main travel security and safety concerns usually relate to either our personal safety or our personal belongings.
Your Personal Safety
International Travel Safety Tips
Your top priority should always be your personal safety... your personal belongings are much easier to replace or restore.
This can though be related as robbery for example is aimed at our belongings but can put us into personal safety risk at the same time. We should always put our personal safety first and hand over our valuables if being robbed.
The main thing if being robbed is to avoid letting the situation turn into an assault or even worse. Try to remain calm and hand over your belongings as quickly as possible and try to disengage from this confrontational and potentially dangerous situation as fast as you can. Then report it to the relevant authorities.
On the other hand, in order to minimize the damage you should avoid carrying more than you need each time when out and about. That way you can replace the items stolen but still have enough resources to enjoy the rest of your holiday.

Views To Travel Safety
Varies Between Countries!
Accidents are another serious safety concerns when travelling and is something that is not always easy to avoid... or what?
No matter how well you prepare for your trip, accidents can happen. You can though minimize the risk of accidents by following some general travel safety tips.
The most important is to be alert at all times and use your common sense. Sounds simple enough but it is not always so.
You are on vacation and that often involves trying out new experiences or participating more in high-risk activities, e.g. if on a skiing trip, learning to scuba dive or trying bungee jumping.
Life is about taking certain amount of risk. However, the main thing is to take a calculated risk. Like if on a ski vacation, you should not let anyone pressure you into going down a slope if you are not confident with it. Listen to your instinct, use your common sense and you will minimize the risk of an accident happening.
However, if you up for it... then go for it. Don't let the negligible possibility of accident stand in your way of enjoying your skiing trip and improving your skiing skills.
First Aid Kit should be obligatory travel companion. We hope you will not need it but if you do... it could literally save your life.
If you have been sensible in your approach, i.e. spent enough time practicing and gradually improved your skiing skills - then the risk of accident is less important than the benefit of taking that risk.
You should though always have a back-up plan just in case... because accidents do happen. No serious traveler leaves home without an adequate safety Travel Insurance.
Those travelling alone need to be extra alert, as there is some safety in numbers. Our Safety Tips For Solo Travel is a must read for anyone travelling solo.
Women travelling on their own tend to face few extra safety challenges. Our Women Travel Safety Tips address issues like how to avoid unwanted male attention, which everyday objects can be considered as weapon used from a distance and why to avoid bags that are easy to snatch from the owner.
Staying healthy is also an important personal safety issue as we are at our most vulnerable when we are sick. You must take all necessary health precautions prior to embarking on your journey. That includes checking if you need any vaccinations and if you are on any medication you must make sure you have enough to last you during your trip. You should take care of what you eat and drink, etc.
You will find more health advice and information under Travel Health Advice.
Your Belongings
International Travel Safety Tips
We need our belongings when travelling. We need our travel documents, our money, our clothes and accessories. Losing our belongings can have serious affect on our vacation and in worst-case scenario ruin it, especially if we lose all our belongings.

Keep an eye on your belongings
When travelling on crowded buses
Being in a foreign country with no money, no passport and no change of clothes is not a desirable situation.
“Luckily” most of the time we lose minor part of our belongings and can either live without them or get them replaced.
It can though be annoying and inconvenient and we would ideally like to avoid losing any of our belongings.
That is why we must be alert at all times. That will reduce the risk of losing or damaging our belongings, like forgetting our bag on the bus seat next to us or spilling a drink over our new ebook reader.
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It will also reduce the risk of being robbed as thieves are usually on the lookout for absent minded victims and easy opportunities.
There are many great personal safety devices available now a days that can assist you with securing your belongings better while travelling.
Our practical Street Safety Tips offer travel safety tips for when out and about at your travel destination. While our Hotel Safety Tips advice on how to stay safe in your hotel room.
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