Insect And Sun Protection Products
For Your Safety And Comfort
There are many insect and sun protection products available. There are number of benefits of using products that combine protection against the harmful UVA / UVB rays with insect repellent. It is convenient not having to carry two separate products in your luggage.
Firstly, it is convenient not having to carry two separate products in your luggage. It should also be more economical to buy one products instead of two.
What should you look for when buying these products? We at Top Travel Tips have put together buying advice and selected few products that will help you fight the nasty bites and dangerous sunburns.
We advice you buy these products before you travel, since it can often be difficult to find them once on remote location, as we have discovered ourselves during our travels.
Combined Insect And Sun Protection Products
Sawyer premium sun block and insect repellent is ideal if you need to use both sun block and insect repellant at your travel destination. It offers you protection from both the sun and insect bites... saving space in your luggage as well as cost.

With sun protection factor (SPF) of 30, it offers up to eight hours of protection from the dangerous UVA / UVB rays.
It uses the synthetic insect repellent IR3535 to protect against mosquito bites, so it is completely DEET free. Synthetic repellents tend to be more effective and longer lasting than “natural” insect repellents and as effective as DEET (though most experts still recommend DEET for highly disease infested areas).
It is waterproof and perspiration resistant, which is important when on holiday. It is gentle enough to be used on infants.
Insect Protection Products

UltraThon™ repellent is highly effective insect repellent. It offers up to 12 hours of protection and is water- and perspiration resistant, as well as fragrance free. Like one reviewer said “it is non greasy, does not stink and is the best repellent for sand fleas, and bed bugs”. While other adds, “this product actually repels mosquitoes”.
UltraThon contains 33% DEET dispersed in a controlled release polymer suspension which helps block absorption of the repellent through the skin and slows evaporation.
Top Sun Protection Products Travel Tips
You should always apply the sun block first if you need to wear sun protection products and insect repellents at the same time.
This will give you the best protection from bites and burns, as good sun block does not dilute the insect repellent.

In addition to using insect repellent, many travelers also spray Permethrin directly on to their clothes when travelling to insect infested areas. Permethrin binds to the fabric and repels insects (mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers and mites).
You just have to spray your clothes once for weeks of mosquito and insect protection, i.e. one application lasts up to six weeks and remains effective despite washing the clothes once a week.
It is easy to use, just apply outdoors on the clothes (when not wearing them). Allow the clothes to dry for 2 hours prior to wearing them (4 hours in humid climate).
Remember to use insect repellent on your skin as well, but remember that Permethrin is for treating clothes only.

However, if you do get bitten, then AfterBite will help you not to let those nasty bites ruin your holiday. It stops the itching and swelling from insect bites and stings, i.e. preventing your skin becoming swollen and infected as result of scratching.
AfterBite offers instant and long lasting relief from insect bites, e.g. mosquitoes, black flies, fleas, ticks, chiggers and horse flies. It also relieves other itching, e.g. from poison ivy, wasps, jelly fish and nettles.
AfterBite is a gel that uses natural ammonia to soothe the itch. It is easy to use, it comes in compact easy to apply tube that tucks easily into any pocket or day bag. Some like to call it the “Itch Eraser”.
These are just few of our favourite insect and sun protection products. Make sure you are well prepared when travelling to destinations where you need insect and sun protection.
Where To Buy Your Insect Repllent?
We at think that Amazon is a great place to buy your insect repellent products. Click on the country flags below to buy either from Amazon US or Amazon UK.