Practical Money Saving Tips
Eating While Travelling
These practical money saving tips are about how to save you money on food and drink while travelling. Many of us do not keep good track on what we spend while on vacation. Even fewer add up the total cost of eating while travelling. If we did, we might be shocked to see how much of our daily expenditure goes on food and drink while travelling.
It is though not only about the money. Eating while travelling is also about Eating Safely And Healthy. This can sometimes be a challenge when travelling.
The following tips for saving money should be useful whether you are preparing your own food or eating out when travelling.
Buying Food While Travelling
Practical Money Saving Tips
We all have to eat so you will always find some outlet selling food somewhere close to you wherever you are in the world. It might however not be selling the foods you are custom to, nor offer the choices you take for granted back home.

Practical Money Saving Tips
Buy Food At Local Markets
Local supermarkets are always good bet if you can locate them.
Local outdoor markets are though more authentic shopping experience and likely to offer cheaper products. In many countries, local markets are where everything happens.
The more food you buy and prepare yourself, the less you will spend on food while travelling.
Eating out is though important part of travelling and not trying some local dishes... it's just such a shame, can we call it “travelers' crime”.
You never know what or when you will find something to eat when in unfamiliar territory. Taking packed lunch with you therefore makes perfect sense. It is also likely to be cheaper option as food at popular tourist places tends to be overpriced (and under quality).
Re-using water bottles also saves you money and is more economically friendly than always buying a new plastic bottle.
Dining Out While Travelling
Practical Money Saving Tips
Most of us enjoy going out for dinner. However, we tend to get bored of it sooner than later if we are doing it every night. Cooking yourself, when it is an option, or having lighter non-cooked meal in between not only saves you money, it can also make you enjoy more eating out other nights.
Few practical money saving tips for eating out include:
You might want to eat the main meal at lunchtime, as you can usually have the same meal for considerably less if you go for a lunch instead of dinner

Practical Saving Tips
Avoid Typical Tourist Restaurants
Avoid typical tourist places, the price usually goes up with the number of tourists but the quality down
You are likely to get the best food experience and best prices if you eat and drink where the locals do
You might want to drink what the locals drink, as there can be big price difference between imported and local drinks
Look out for restaurants frequented by students, as they tend to be more price conscious than the older clientele is
Sharing food with your travel companions might be an option, sometimes one starter or one desert can be enough for two to share
You should always check the menu before deciding on a restaurant and of course make sure the menu shows the prices
You should never ever order anything if you don't know how much it costs, it is the only way to avoid nasty surprises when the bill arrives
You should always Tip For Services according to what is the custom in the country you are visiting, not according to the customs in the country you come from
Top Practical Money Saving Tips Story
Many tips for saving money recommend avoiding restaurants that have menus in English as this means they are aiming for the tourist market and are therefore likely to be more expensive than local places.
Even though this can be the case, we don't agree with this in general. Most restaurant owners just know that they are expanding their possible customer base by offering menu in English, even though the main customers are from the local area. We have often found small local restaurants in the “middle of nowhere” that come up with English menu... made just in case.
Eating in a restaurant that doesn't offer menu in English or staff that speaks English... and you don't speak the local language can be a major challenge. Your guide book might have a section with the key food ingredients but you would be mostly guessing. This actually might turn out to be great culinary experience... or not.
We once dinned in small local restaurant in China with no English speaking staff or menu. So we decided to go for the most expensive set-menu on the list, assuming it must include all the best local ingredients. The price was still amazingly low for what we had been paying elsewhere.
The meal was interesting... and consisted mainly of different dishes of cabbage which must admit is our least favorite vegetable. But we for sure saved money and had an unforgettable meal.
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