Free Romance Tips
That Turn Up The Heat
Are you looking for ways to romance your partner while on vacation? Giving free romantic travel tips that suits everyone ideas of romance can be challenging as people have very different perspective of what makes romantic vacation. However...
Romantic experiences are about feelings, about the right mood. You can not plan feelings but you can definitely set the mood.
Free Romance Tips And Ideas
For Almost Everyone And Any Occasion
Romantic holiday is not so much about the travel destination we choose for our romantic escape. The best free romance tips are about how we behave on our holiday.

Red Rose - The Symbol For Romance
Romantic vacations are about savoring the moment, to live in the present. You can't change the past so it is wise leave it behind for now. Do not bring your daily problems with you on your romantic vacation, nor your concerns about the future.
Concentrating on each other is likely to be one of the best things you can do for your relationship in the future.
This however does not mean you cannot talk about your lives, your hopes, your dreams, your fears. Just make sure your talk is constructive, not destructive.
Romantic break is not the right place or time for nagging, criticizing or arguing. Instead of dwelling on what has happened, concentrate on how to make things better in the future.
When on a romantic break, watch your language carefully. Bear in mind that how you say things can be as important as what you said.
Effective free romance tips include avoiding loaded and judgmental words. Phrases like “you always, you never, if you only” can lead to confrontations. Choose caring and loving words. Choose more positive and less negative words.
Romantic couples tend to talk more about “us”, less about “me or you”, and are not afraid of praising each other. Everyone likes getting praise, as long as it is sincere. You can always find something positive to say... as well as negative. The difference is that there is no space for negative words on a romantic holiday, but plenty of demand for something nice and positive.
You can and should use body language to enhance the romantic mood. You are on romantic holiday, you are allowed to behave like newlyweds.
Don't be shy to be touchy feely. Simple but effective free romance tips include using any opportunity to touch each other. Hold hands, give each other a massage, apply sun block with tender loving care, share a shower, toast for your love...

It Is Easy To Add Romance
To Your Hotel Accommodation
Also, use any opportunity to give your love a kiss. Kiss your love good morning, good night, good-bye or just for the sake of kissing.
You need some privacy for romance to blossom on your holiday. You don't have to leave the kids behind though it is usually easier to spend quality romantic time together without them. If you are travelling with your family, make sure the two of you get some time together, just the two of you.
The same applies if you are travelling with other people, or in a group. Make sure you get some time alone with your loved one.
Intimacy is likely to be important part of your romantic vacation and few things are more intimate then making love. Most couples will expect at least some romance sex on their romantic break. Others will hope for lot of it.
Quality is however likely to be as, if not more, important as the quantity. You are on a vacation so you will have more free time available than normally, allowing you to spend more time on lovemaking. Seize the opportunity. Making love while on romantic holiday should ideally involve some memorable moments.
Romance sex can be taking hot bubble bath together prior to going to bed. It can be revealing new sexy underwear after a night out. It can be new location or position never tried before. It can long sensual massage with warm scented oils. It can be candles and the sound of the waves. Use your imagination, experiment.
Top Free Romance Tips
Few things are better aphrodisiac than having a good laughter together. One of the best free romance tips is therefore to relax and laugh a lot.
It does however not mean you should be playing the clown... clowns are not sexy. Just relax, take in the environment, enjoy the company, talk and the laughter will come naturally.
You do not have to stay in luxury resort to let your accommodation enhance the romantic mood. Any accommodation will become more appealing and romantic with few candles or flowers. Reduce the light, for example by throwing some light fabric over the bedside lights... just be careful not to start accidental fire.
Access to private outdoor area adds a little romance to any vacation, so if go for it if you can. Nightcap under the stars and breakfast outdoors puts most people in romantic mood.
Water tends to have relaxing and romantic affect on most people. If you have access to swimming pool or hot tub, you can use that to your romantic advantages. Some couples like Spa Holiday for their romantic getaway - it does not come more relaxing than that.
Simple but effective free romance tips include sharing a hot bubble bath, maybe with bubbles in a glass as well, is another romantic option. As is taking a shower together or swimming in the ocean at midnight... be careful though.

Simple Yet Effective
Romantic gestures tend to be highly appreciated, e.g. small gift or surprise. Whatever it is, it should have some romantic flair to it and ideally be something you can enjoy together.
Great romantic gifts include scented oils, new alluring underwear or romantic CD. It could also be flowers, wine, chocolate, fruits or some other special favorite food. Great romantic surprise could be boat trip at sunset, tickets to a local concert, or some surprise activity you might enjoy doing together.
Because doing romantic things together is what makes romantic vacation different from other vacations. Use your imagination when looking for ideas how to romance your wife or husband.
Go on romantic picnic with gourmet food and bottle of wine. Watch the stars together. Pick wild flowers. Walk on the beach at sunset. Spend day being pampered together in a spa. Order room service... all the most extravagant food on the menu. Sleep later than normal, try sleeping naked if not used to it. Stay in bed for 24 hours. The list is endless, only your imagination is the limit.
Doing something for the first time tends to be memorable so try new things together, create shared experiences.
Skydiving or bungee jumping might be too much for most romantic couples but how about a balloon flight or helicopter ride. Or jet skiing, river rafting, elephant ride, scuba diving, kayaking, horseback riding, quad biking, salsa lesson, chocolate making, wine tasting...
Try new food and share it, order each a new dish and give each other a taste. Talking about food, going out for a romantic meal is important part of any romantic vacation. Your romantic break is therefore not the right time to be watching too rigorously what you eat, or don't eat, at least not if your partner is not sharing your diet restrictions.

Simple Things Can Easily
Add Romance To Your Vacation
It is not very romantic to be enjoying juicy steak with a glass of good red wine while the companion is dutifully picking on salad (with the dressing untouched on the side) enjoyed with glass of water.
That is not saying you have to overindulge, just try to relax a little bit if you normally follow strict diet. How about sharing a desert, your partner is likely to be more than happy to eat most of it anyway.
Simple but effective free romance tips include acquiring some special souvenir, something that will remind you of your wonderful romantic moments together. It doesn't have to be expensive. Ideally it isn't but it should be something special. It should be something that has special meaning for the both of you, something that just the two of you know the true value of.
It can be local handcraft, artwork, CD, or just a stone you found on the beach that you had your romantic picnic on. Something you can watch, touch, or listen to anytime you want to relive the lovely romantic feelings you had with your loved one on your romantic vacation.
Top Free Romance Tips
Maybe the most important free romance tips is about just enjoy spending some time together. You don't have to be doing something all the time and definitely not always be doing something with other people.
Sometimes the most romantic moments in our lives are unplanned and even somewhat unremarkable. Just notice and enjoy the small things around you. Smell the fresh air, listen to the birds singing, enjoy the rain on your face. Just stay and live in the present... with your loved one.
Ps. these free romance tips are not only great when on romantic vacation. These free romance tips are valid home and away.